Episode 21: The whole (truth) is greater than the sum of its parts

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Trigger warning: This episode contains material about sexual abuse and violence. We acknowledge that this content may be difficult for some listeners and encourage care for your safety and well-being. For resources, please see the end of this post.

About a week ago, we came across @desi_brotherhood’s post about young boys experiencing sexual abuse. To say the presented statistics were shocking and eye-opening is an understatement. Abuse, sex, rape - are all taboo topics (even words) in South Asian culture. They are closer to home than we think and mostly used in the context of women or girls experiencing them - putting a blindfold on us as a society because boys/men are equally at risk and experiencing abuse too. Often unreported and unacknowledged abuse. To add to the seriousness of the situation, these conversations are hard to have; adults often get uncomfortable when it comes to educating their kids about these delicate yet severely important realities of our world. Join us this week as we have a one-of-a-kind, frank conversation with Ram (@desi_brotherhood) about the skewed perception of sex and abuse in our culture and the importance of a proper education around it as a society.

The Survivor’s Trust (U.K) - 08088.010818 (Free. Confidential)
Rainn.org (U.S) - National Sexual Assault Hotline | 800.656.HOPE (Free. Confidential. 24/7)


Episode 22: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways


Episode 20: Starting 2021 off with Pree!