Episode 15: Full Circle

Log Kya Kahenge Podcast New York Episode 15 Full Circle

Imagine telling your parents in 9th grade that you don’t want to go to school anymore and then you actually don’t go for the next two years. This one is long overdue but our next episode is a conversation with one of our bravest Log (people) who is an inspiration to say the least. When @aimen_malhi was talking to us about our first episode together, we had planned to talk about bullying in schools but when we sat down to chat, just the first ten minutes of listening to her story had us in awe. From telling her parents as a teenager that she does not want to continue school to embarking on a journey to self discovery all in the societal constraints of the culture around her. Join us in this episode, “Full Circle” in learning from a person who is single handedly spreading awareness about mental health and what it means to really not care about log kya kahenge 🌟


Episode 16: The Shay Sesh


Episode 14: Brown Voices